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The Mingo County Redevelopment Authority participates in industrial, agricultural, and economic projects throughout our county.  These projects are aimed to provide employment, diversify our economy, and produce a premier skilled work force. The scale of these projects range from constructing new highways to harvesting eggs for local restaurants.  Each endeavor addresses a critical need in our area, and provides previously unavailable opportunity to the hard working men and women of Mingo County.

Aquaponics Project

The Belo Industrial Park is the smallest of Mingo County’s commercial and industrial development sites, but offers the most immediate access to transportation and infrastructure.  Adjacent to US 119 near Belo, this park currently houses two businesses:  a branch of The Bank of Mingo and J.P. Technical Services

Incubator Farm

The Belo Industrial Park is the smallest of Mingo County’s commercial and industrial development sites, but offers the most immediate access to transportation and infrastructure.  Adjacent to US 119 near Belo, this park currently houses two businesses:  a branch of The Bank of Mingo and J.P. Technical Services

Central Mountain Heights Housing Site

The Belo Industrial Park is the smallest of Mingo County’s commercial and industrial development sites, but offers the most immediate access to transportation and infrastructure.  Adjacent to US 119 near Belo, this park currently houses two businesses:  a branch of The Bank of Mingo and J.P. Technical Services

Twisted Gun Golf Course

The Belo Industrial Park is the smallest of Mingo County’s commercial and industrial development sites, but offers the most immediate access to transportation and infrastructure.  Adjacent to US 119 near Belo, this park currently houses two businesses:  a branch of The Bank of Mingo and J.P. Technical Services

King Coal Highway

The Belo Industrial Park is the smallest of Mingo County’s commercial and industrial development sites, but offers the most immediate access to transportation and infrastructure.  Adjacent to US 119 near Belo, this park currently houses two businesses:  a branch of The Bank of Mingo and J.P. Technical Services

Air Transportation Park

The new Mingo County Airport (Appalachian Regional Airport), located at Varney, West Virginia, boasts a brand new, state of the art 5,000’ runway and taxi-way, complete with lighting, fencing and wind instrumentation.  This FAA approved facility was constructed as a post mine land use project with Alpha Natural Resources, the Mingo County Airport Authority, and the WV Aeronautics Commission.  Once its surface mining operation was complete and the airport facility was constructed to rough grade, Alpha Natural Resources DONATED this 900 acre site to Mingo County, at no cost to the taxpayers!!  The 2012 opening of this facility affords Mingo County (1) an improved quality of general aviation services; (2) a safer environment for aircraft operations; and (3) hundreds of acres of developable land for aviation related and light industrial businesses needed to generate job creation in Mingo County. 

Twin Branch Drag Strip

The Belo Industrial Park is the smallest of Mingo County’s commercial and industrial development sites, but offers the most immediate access to transportation and infrastructure.  Adjacent to US 119 near Belo, this park currently houses two businesses:  a branch of The Bank of Mingo and J.P. Technical Services

WV DMV and State Police Buildings

The Belo Industrial Park is the smallest of Mingo County’s commercial and industrial development sites, but offers the most immediate access to transportation and infrastructure.  Adjacent to US 119 near Belo, this park currently houses two businesses:  a branch of The Bank of Mingo and J.P. Technical Services

Industrial Parks

Mingo County currently boasts three industrial parks. The Wood Products Industrial Park and the Belo Industrial Park both contain very successful businesses, and BOTH have vacant properties available for occupancy. The Air Transportation Park is currently under development, and will afford excellent industrial growth opportunities in the very near future.... See more


Post Office Box 298 | 1657 East Fourth Avenue | Williamson, WV 25661 | p (304) 235-0042

© 2017 Mingo County Redevelopment Authority

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